неділя, 7 лютого 2016 р.

До уроку "Books in our life"

Відкритий урок "Books in our life"


Письменники. Джоан Роулінг

До уроку "Молодіжні субкультури". 11 клас

11 клас. Молодіжні субкультури

Мета:  Сприяти ознайомленню учнів з молодіжними субкультурами, популярними серед молоді і такими, що роблять вплив на молоде покоління;  вивчити новий граматичний матеріал «The Zero Conditional»; вдосконалювати  мовні навики, навики письма; розвивати уміння говорити на основі прочитаного та навики читання з метою основного і повного розуміння прочитаного; виховувати в учнів інтерес до молодіжної культури, а також критичне і відповідальне ставлення до свого способу життя, потребу в духовності, свідомому прагненні до самовдосконалення.  

Обладнання: Підручник Л. В. Калініна, І. В. Самойлюкевич, комп’ютер, граматичний матеріал  «The Zero Conditional», Power Point presentationYouth Subcultures nowadays”, роздатковий матеріал.

  Тип уроку:  Урок вивчення нового матеріалу.

                                                Хід уроку

I.    Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1.Привітання T-Cl

 Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? How are you today? Мовна бесіда режимі TP1 – P2…

2.Оголошення теми і мети уроку

T: The topic of our today’s lesson is “Youth Subcultures”. Today we are going to speak about different subcultures. You’ll read some facts from subcultures and get acquainted with new grammar material “Zero Conditional”.

      ІІ. Основна частина уроку

1.Фонетичнарозминка                                                                                                                    Slides “Youth Subcultures Nowadays” (див. додаток 1)
T: Look at your computers and read presentation about Youth Subcultures and rewrite into your copy – books the meaning “subcultures” and the most important and
     well – known    youth subcultures.
– Bikers

– Punks

– Attitude people of different ages to subcultures

– Emos

– Goths

– Freaks

– Hackers, Users, Gamers

– Graffers

– Skinhead

– Parkur

– Goths

– Rockers

– Volunteers
                2.  Pair works.
                T: Read the computer presentation about “Youth Subcultures” again and in pairs make up for two questions to these texts. The other pairs must give answers to these questions. (Do it in chain).    
       Characteristics of subcultures.( обговорення в групах)

Groups     /Clothes/         Music  /Specific features
1   Bikers Leather jackets, army boots   Undergrоund  Bike like Harley Davidson, work as guards, threatening appearance
2   Punks Metal chains, checked trousers or torn jeans, straps with rivets       Rock, punk rock, aggressive music           Bright coloured hair, black flag, love, peace, freedom of self-expression, nonconformity to society’s rules(like hippies)
3   Hippies           Worn-out blue jeans   Rock’n’roll, San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)”, psychedelic music, jazz            Long hair tied with bit of string and couple of decorative chains. Their ideals include love, peace, freedom of self-expression, nonconformity to society’s rules, to be hip
4   Rockers
     Jeans Levi’s, leather jackets and trousers, dike helmets, high motorbike boots      Rock’n’roll     Love motorbikes as a symbol of freedom, long hair, value technical knowledge
5   Skinhead         Tight trousers and heavy boots          Soul, ska,  bluebeat and rocksteady music, reggae    Cut hair shorter than others do, shaven heads, they are working class, patriotic, football fans, regarded as violent and aggressive
6   Goths  The blackest black, with a lot of jewellery    Gothic music, Bauhaus, The Cult, Joy Division, Rosetta Stone, Nosferatu, gothic metal           Black hair, look as thin and pale as possible, Read Bram Stoker, talk about the end of the world
7   Emos   Pink and black colour in clothes, black tight jeans, T-shirts with pictures of children ornament, Blazers with many badges  Rock music, emo music, psychedelic music, группа Husker Du   Emotional
2. Why do Teens choose a Subculture?



What moments unite young people in subcultures?


 3.  Grammar material “The Zero Conditional” (Див. додаток 2)

T: Now look at your computers and read the information about “The Zero Conditional” and do the task “Make Zero Conditionals”.  (див. додаток 3)

1.           Впр. 3 (a), с. 52.

        T: And now open your books at page 52 and do exercise 3 (a) in written form. In this exercise you must complete the sentences using the example.   


2.           Впр. 3 (b), с. 52.

           T: Now do exercise 3 (b) on page 52 in oral form. In this exercise you must paraphrase the sentences using the words: otherwise, as long as, supposing, even if, in case, unless, imagine.


1) The nickname of the “Night Wolf” №1

2) A “Wizard” of a computer community

3) A person who doesn’t confirm society’s standards accept other people as they are. Their motto is “Love for all people”

4) A person who covers walls with painted scrawls in spray paint and marker pen

5) A person who prefers electronic music with a dance beats and all-night dance parties

6) The values and norms of this group vary from the interests of dominant culture

7) A person who dresses in a shocking way with brightly coloured hair and metal chairs

8) A person who is concerned about and wants to help or protect nature

9) A person who rides 2 or 3 wheeled motorized vehicles, and who identifies himself with a particular subculture

10) They cut their hair shorter than others do, and they are usually regarded as violent and aggressive

11) These people do voluntary work in the society, help needy people

12) A member of one of the leading youth organizations in Britain and US. They are trained to use particular skills and survive without modern conveniences.

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку

1.        Підсумок уроку

T: Today we spoke about Youth Subcultures. Who can summarize everything we’ve discussed at the lesson today and speak about all subcultures? Why do you think people belong to different subcultures?  The lesson is over. Good – bye.

Ps: Good - bye

2.        Домашнє завдання

      Повторити та вивчити граматичні правила, с. 50 - 51  

1.       Підсумок уроку

T: Today we spoke about Youth Subcultures. Who can summarize everything we’ve discussed at the lesson today and speak about all subcultures? Why do you think people belong to different subcultures?  The lesson is over. Good – bye.

Ps: Good - bye

2.       Домашнє завдання

      Повторити та вивчити граматичні правила, с. 50 - 51